Gateway85 CID Board Meeting

June 14, 2018

1770 Indian Trail-Lilburn Road, Ste. 150; Norcross, GA 30093

7:30 AM Call to Order

Download the document: Gateway85 Board Agenda 6.14.18



1. 7:30am – BUSINESS MEETING CALL TO ORDER – Shiv Aggarwal-Chairman


  1. Approval: Minutes of the April 12, 2018 Regular Business Meeting
  2. Approval: April and May 2018 Financials
  3. Approval: 2017 Audit Report
  4. Approval: Resolution Adopting the Jimmy Carter Boulevard LCI 10-year Update
  5. Approval: Beaver Ruin Road Midblock Crossing Construction Contractor Selection and Contract Award
  6. Approval: Intergovernmental Agreement to Increase County Contribution to Beaver Ruin Road Midblock Crossing – $35,000 Increase
  7. Approval: Contract with Atlanta Regional Commission for Beaver Ruin Creek Greenway Design – $10,000 CID Commitment
  8. Approval: Intergovernmental Agreement for County Contribution to Beaver Ruin Creek Greenway Design – $25,000
  9. Approval: Contract with Partnership Gwinnett – $50,000
  10. Approval: Signage Contractor Contract
  11. Discussion: Proposed Millage Rate


  1. Operations Update – Robert Michener
  2. Studies, Grants, and Related Projects – Matt Gore
  3. Marketing and Outreach – Tammy Thompson
  4. Executive Director Updates – Marsha Anderson Bomar

4. Election of Officers – Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary

5. Executive Session – Discuss personnel, administrative proceedings or other judicial actions, which are exempt from the open meetings act pursuant to O.C.G.A. section 50-14-2-(1). Upon the appointment, employment, compensation, hiring, disciplinary action or dismissal, or periodic evaluation or rating of a public officer or employee, which is excluded pursuant to O.C.G.A. section 50-14-3-(6)


  1. Next CID BOARD MEETING: July 12, 2018 – (CID OFFICE – 1770 Indian Trail Road, Suite 150, Norcross, Ga 30093).
  2. Potential Action Items and Timing:
    1. July – Selection of Beaver Ruin Creek Greenway Consultant; Selection of Freight Study Consultant

7. Adjournment